The incidents involving Prop. 8 protesters (a.k.a. the “anti-voting crowd”) disrupting church services, allegedly sending fake anthrax letters, pressuring ideological opponents to quit their jobs, blaming the black vote, and trying to shut down businesses who donated to Prop. 8 supporters are now, hopefully, common knowledge.
Am I the only one who finds this ironic? Maybe even humorously so?
Let me just speak to the anti-Prop. 8 crowd, homosexuals and heterosexuals alike. (If any of them even read this, which I doubt, but just in case….)
Aside from the horrible PR you’ve given yourselves by harassing churches and church-goers, boycotting businesses and hurling racist epithets, do you realize that’s you’ve shot yourselves in the foot when it comes to your own civil rights?
Did you know that on the same day Prop. 8 passed, half a dozen pro-life measures failed by a vote of the people in the states they were introduced?
Where are the pro-life riots? Don’t cite some random clinic shooting from the distant past. Where are the pro-life rioters today? Where is the bile and hate being spewed by the pro-life crowd?
The fact is, we lost that one. We know it. We’ll try again. That’s how it works. That’s how America works.
You don’t get that. And you aren’t forward-thinking enough right now to care. Negating a vote of the people – twice – just because you don’t like it, devalues the vote itself. Including yours.
If you can get this referendum overturned, then what happens? When the next vote goes the way you want, what happens when the opposing school of thought gets THAT one overturned?
Guess what? You created the precedent allowing it.
I say this in love, but it’s time to suck it up and admit defeat in this battle. Thrashing around like a collective Tasmanian devil at everyone who disagrees with you won’t get you what you want. Or worse, if it does, it will come back to haunt you later.