If you're here and reading this you've heard about the embarrassment that was the Wanda Sykes speech at the WHCD. But, on the off-chance you haven't, here's the vid:
Did you notice anything? Like our illustrious President yukking it up when Sykes wished Rush dead and called him the 20th hijacker (who we have captured and successfully "tortured" [bathed] information out of to stop the Library Building attack)?
Over the weekend the blogosphere had a field day, not only with Sykes' remarks, but with Obama's reaction. But then, after hearing his speech, it appears his taste in humor is right on par with his taste in cabinet appointments.
But TODAY, today the Obama White House found nothing funny about Sykes' speech at all. The official press release states: White House not laughing about Sept. 11 joke. "The White House is keeping its distance from an entertainer's joke comparing commentator Rush Limbaugh to a terrorist." Yeah, a distance of about three feet.
This is standard MO for Obama. Deny, deny, deny, because the media will say whatever he wants them to say.
"I went to Rev. Wright's church for 20 years and never heard one of those sermons they play on TV."
"I barely knew Bill Ayers."
"I didn't bow, I was looking for my contact."
And now, "I laughed, but I didn't think it was funny."
Right up on par with "I smoked, but I didn't inhale," don't ya think?
if you reproduce any material here without permission, notification and/or attribution, be prepared for at least a good tongue-lashing. And I'm related to a few lawyers. Just sayin'.
All "Anonymous" responses will be deleted. If you don't feel strongly enough in your point to put your name to it, I'm not going to waste my time reading it.
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