Monday, June 2, 2008

And So It Begins

Yes, it has been a month. I'm sorry. Hopefully this month will be better. I'm sure there will be plenty to discuss as we head into primary season, which officially began today. This week is the week that anyone wishing to file as a candidate for political office in the state of Oklahoma is to do so. In fact, I already have a blog in the works detailing a local race. Right now we have a state race that is, in my opinion, decisive in the future of the Republican Party in the state of Oklahoma. I will get to that another time, though. As is stands, here is my official list of primary candidate endorsements for where I live. (I can't keep an eye on the whole state, sorry). Blogs explaining each one will be forthcoming (God willing). State Representative Dist. 91 - Mike Reynolds - incumbent State Senator Dist. 45 - LTC Steve Russell (Ret) US Senator - Jim Inhoffe - incumbent Corporation Commissioner - Dana Murphy Cleveland County Clerk - Kerrie Hudson Cleveland County Sheriff - David Williams Once the information is made available I'll link each of their websites to my list on the right. I have visited extensively with each candidate personally and am thoroughly convinced of their qualifications for their respective positions.

1 comment:

Crissy said...

Love how you keep me up to date with all the gov stuff!
I have been so swamped lately...argh.
Anyhow, on another do i edit my profile and add your blog to blogs I read???